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Transforming One-Self: Sravanam… Mananam… Niddhidhyasanam

A horizontal line separator graphic in dark color

By Dr Arun Dhandayudham / 7 February 2023
Ammaji, promoting Purna Vidya's message of service A green colored frame graphic

Purna Vidya is a deeply spiritual organization that teaches ancient Indian wisdom to people from all walks of life. I have been a student of this organization for the past three years and my interactions with Ammaji have played a significant role in making me more spiritual.

Ammaji is a spiritual leader and mentor, who is well-versed in the Vedas, Upanishads, and other sacred texts. As much as Ammaji knows, she is also able to communicate her knowledge and translate them to actions to take in daily life. Her teachings have inspired me to delve deeper into the realm of our ancient philosophy and explore the true meaning of life. Her words have a transformative effect on me, and I find myself becoming more mindful, compassionate, and empathetic. I understand myself much better and am able to keep a calm centre which allows me to function better on a daily basis.

One of the other ways Ammaji has helped me is by teaching me the importance of self-reflection. She often encourages me to take a step back and examine my thoughts and actions, to understand my motivations and desires, and to identify areas where I can improve. This practice has helped me to become more self-aware and has enabled me to make conscious decisions that align with my spiritual goals.

Overall, my interactions with Ammaji have had a profound impact on my life. I am grateful for the guidance and wisdom she has imparted, and I look forward to continuing my spiritual journey under her guidance.