Programs on Vedic Wisdom

Find yourself, and your life, here.
Every Purna Vidya program has, as its foundation the Vedic
cultural and spiritual recognition of the Oneness of all life.
Through Ammaji's teachings, you will come to appreciate that there is really no 'other'— nothing other
than the appearance of another. Knowing this, the natural kindness you extend to the
apparent other is, in fact, the love and kindness you offer to
yourself. When you recognize the love that you are, the more
love you have to share.
We request your support and contribution in making these programs available to our society by your
donation that helps us sustain the work done.

Online Programs

Iśāvāsya Upanishad
The Ishavasya Upanishad (or simply Isha) is one of the shortest of its kind an Upaniṣadic and basically represents a brief philosophical poem discussing the soul/self (Atman). This edition contains the Kanva recension, consisting of 18 verses. The Upanisad enlightens the seeker on the true nature of the Atman, remove our natural ignorance and produce in us the knowledge of the oneness. Read More
14 Videos / 14 Hours / INR 2,800

The Gaṇapatyarthavaśīrṣa is an Upaniṣadic text that asserts that Gaṇeśa is same as the ultimate reality, Brahman. The text is attached to the Atharva-Veda. Read More
7 Videos / 7 Hours / INR 2,500

Kaivalya means absolute Oneness, The state of being full the whole, and the means to achieve this is the subject matter of this Upaniṣad. Read More
7 Videos / 7 Hours / INR 2,500

Kaṭhopaniṣad is the most popular and sought among the ten Upaniṣads, which emphasizes on the gift of life. The conversation between Naciketa and Lord Yama is unfolded by Ammaji in a lucid manner from abstract knowledge into a practical reality. Read More
9 Videos / 8 Hours / INR 2,500

The Muṇḍaka-Upaniṣad is an ancient Sanskrit Vedic text, embedded inside Atharva-Veda. It is a Mukhya-Upaniṣad, and is listed as number 5 in the Muktikā canon of 108 Upaniṣads of Hinduism. Read More
14 Videos / 15 Hours / INR 4,000

The Kena Upaniṣad is a Vedic text classified as one of the primary or Mukhya Upaniṣads that is embedded inside the last section of the Talavakara Brāhmaṇam of the Sāma-Veda. It is listed as number 2 in the Muktikā, the canon of the 108 Upaniṣads of Hinduism Read More
30 Videos / 28 Hours / INR 5,000

Essence of Bhagavad Gita
The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita are profound and offer practical wisdom for everyday life. It is of more importance to be exposed to the teachings of Bhagavad Gita than ever before to live a life of peace and fulfillment. These sessions help us understand the essence of Gita that the victory to life lies within ourselves and not in the external world. Read More
12 Videos / 12 Hours / INR 2,400

Bhagavad Gītā-An Integrated Course (3-year)
The Bhagavad- Gītā is considered as one of the greatest spiritual scriptures the world has ever known. The Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa describes the science of self-realization and the exact process by which a human being can establish their eternal relationship with God. In terms of pure, spiritual knowledge the Bhagavad- Gītā is incomparable. Read More
175 Videos /195 Hours / INR 7,000 per year
- An Overview of the Bhagavad Gita
- Framework of Introductory Online course of the Gita
- Bhagavad Gita Group study
- Basic Meditation
- Learn to Chant Gita Aarti
- Bhagavad Gita Glossary
- Chapter 1 - The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna
- Chapter 2 - Sāṅkhyayoga or the Yoga of Knowledge
- Chapter 3 - Karmayoga or the Yoga of Action
- Chapter 4 - The Yoga of Knowledge as well as the disciplines of Action and Knowledge
- Chapter 5 - The Yoga of Action and Knowledge
- Chapter 6 - The Yoga of Self-Control
- Chapter 7 - The Yoga of Jñāna (Knowledge of Nirguṇa Brahma) and Vijñāna (Knowledge of Manifest Divinity)
- Chapter 8 - The Yoga of the Indestructible Brahma
- Chapter 9 - The Yoga of the sovereign Science and the Sovereign Secret
- Chapter 10 - The Yoga of Divine Glories
- Chapter 11 - The Yoga of the Vision of the Universal Form
- Chapter 12 - The Yoga of Devotion
- Chapter 13 - The Yoga of Discrimination between the Field and the Knower of the Field
- Chapter 14 - The Yoga of Classification of the three Guṇas
- Chapter 15 - The Yoga of the Supreme Person
- Chapter 16 - The Yoga of Discrimination between the Divine and the Demoniacal Properties
- Chapter 17 - The Yoga of Classification of the Threefold Faith
- Chapter 18 - The Yoga of Liberation through the Path of Knowledge and Self-Surrender
- Continuing or concluding your studies

Gītā Bhāṣyam
Introductory Bhāṣyam Studies of Bhagavad Gītā
8 Videos / 10 Hours / INR 3,000

Īśāvāsyopaniṣad - Bhāṣyam
Introductory Bhāṣyam Studies of Īśāvāsyopaniṣad
5 Videos / 6 Hours / INR 1,500

Kenopaniṣad - Bhāṣyam
Introductory Bhāṣyam Studies of Kenopaniṣad
7 Videos / 7 Hours / INR 2,500

Kaṭhopaniṣad - Bhāṣyam
Introductory Bhāṣyam Studies of Kaṭhopaniṣad
4 Videos / 4 Hours / INR 1,000

Praśnopaniṣad - Bhāṣyam
Introductory Bhāṣyam Studies of Praśnopaniṣad
2 Videos / 2 Hours / INR 600

Muṇḍakopaniṣad - Bhāṣyam
Introductory Bhāṣyam Studies of Muṇḍakopaniṣad
5 Videos / 5 Hours / INR 1,500

Tattva- Bodha - An Awakening of Truth (An Introductory Course)
Tattva Bodha (Knowledge of Truth) is the introductory text of Advaita Vedānta that deals with the fundamental inquries into human self and creation. Read More
31 Videos / 35 Hours / INR 10,000

Upadeśa-sāram (Essence of Advaitic Teachings)
The Great Seer, Śrī Ramana Maharshi in his text Upadeṣa Sāram expounds the essence of the entire teachings of Vedānta. These thirty verses, give a direction to arrive at the source of everything - that which removes bondage, resolves all questions and bestows bliss. Read More
8 Videos / 9 Hours / INR 3,000

Morning Meditations - Based on Prātaḥ-Smaraṇam
This is a prayer composed by Śrī Ādi Śaṇkarācārya consisting of three stanzas in which the mind (manas) speech (vāk), and body (kāya) of the individual are sought to be dedicated to the supreme Spirit. The first thoughts, words and actions of everyday exert a great influence on the life of the individual. If they are consecrated and made divine, they will pave the way for spiritual illumination. The prayer at dawn is profoundly significant in that the dawn is the outer symbol of the inner awakening. Read More
4 Videos / 4 Hours / INR 1,500

Who am I? Based on Nirvāṇaṣaḍkam
Nirvāṇa-ṣaṭkam , composed by Ādi Śaṇkara himself, embodies the spiritual pursuit.Read More
4 Videos / 4 Hours / INR 1,500

Forty steps to Self-Awakening - Based on Sādhana-Pañcakam
Adi Śaṇkara in these five simple looking verses lovingly lists the ways and means which can readily be followed by all students of Vedānta, seeking direct experience of the divine state beyond the mind, the spring of Consciousness. Any seeker who sincerely follows these pointers will surely not miss his way and wander into the labyrinth of futile, self-defeating negative arguments and false conclusions. Read More
6 Videos / 6 Hours / INR 2,000

The Cosmic Illusion- Based on Māyā-Pañcakam
In Māyā-Pañcakam, a work consisting of five verses, Śrī Śaṇkara brings out succinctly how Māyā makes incompatibles appear together and shows how it brings about what appears logically to be impossible. Read More
2 Videos / 3 Hours / INR 900

Hastāmalakam is meant to be ‘an amla berry (āmalakam)in the hand (hasta)’. Śaṅkarācārya used this berry as a metaphor to acknowledge Hastāmalaka’s ‘ripeness’ and his clarity of knowledge regarding Vedānta, and also to reveal the esoteric nature of the Vedāntic scriptures as a whole (to reveal knowledge that is ‘hidden’). Read More
11 Videos / 12 Hours / INR 3,500

Śrī Dakṣiṇāmūrti Stotram
Dakṣiṇāmūrti Stotram lyrics tries to explain the glory of Atman (Ultimate self), which can be attained with the grace of Guru Dakshinamurthy, a form of Lord Śiva, considered as the God of enlightenment. Read More
20 Videos / 20 Hours / INR 5,000

Haṃsa Gītā
Uddhava Gītā also known as Haṃsa Gītā consists of Lord Kṛṣṇa's final discourse to Uddhava before his worldly avatar and lila to completion. Haṃsa is a metaphor for the Paramahaṃsa as well as a natural teacher of grace evident in Nature. Read More
21 Videos / 21 Hours / INR 5,000

Bhaja Govindam
Bhaja Govindam is one of the most popular hymns penned by Śaṇkara, that is still sung and recited by millions of Hindus every day. The hymn is steeped in the emotion of bhakti, urging the need for devotion to the Lord as against mechanical acquisition of conventional knowledge. Read More
11 Videos / 12 Hours / INR 3,500

What is Success - 3P-Vedic Model - Āśrama
Vedic Vision - Ancient Insight Into Modern Life covering Vedic Model- Āśrama and Varṇa; detailing Karma-yoga, Upāsanā & Jñāna-yoga and immersing one in Bhakti-yoga (devotion) and realizing the Oneness to achieve Mokṣa. Read More
2 Videos

Vedic Vision - Āśrama&Varṇa
Vedic Vision - Ancient Insight Into Modern Life covering Vedic Model- Āśrama and Varṇa; detailing Karma-yoga, Upāsanā & Jñāna-yoga and immersing one in Bhakti-yoga (devotion) and realizing the Oneness to achieve Mokṣa. Read More
2 Videos

Karma - Karma-yoga
Vedic Vision - Ancient Insight Into Modern Life covering Vedic Model- Āśrama and Varṇa; detailing Karma-yoga, Upāsanā & Jñāna-yoga and immersing one in Bhakti-yoga (devotion) and realizing the Oneness to achieve Mokṣa. Read More
2 Videos

Upāsanā - Jñānam
Vedic Vision - Ancient Insight Into Modern Life covering Vedic Model- Āśrama and Varṇa; detailing Karma-yoga, Upāsanā & Jñāna-yoga and immersing one in Bhakti-yoga (devotion) and realizing the Oneness to achieve Mokṣa. Read More
2 Videos

Bhakti-yoga - Ātmā
Vedic Vision - Ancient Insight Into Modern Life covering Vedic Model- Āśrama and Varṇa; detailing Karma-yoga, Upāsanā & Jñāna-yoga and immersing one in Bhakti-yoga (devotion) and realizing the Oneness to achieve Mokṣa. Read More
2 Videos

Hymns to Lord Gaṇeśa - Gaṇeśa Pañcaratnam
Pañcaratnam means five jewels. The composer, Guru Śrī Ādi Śaṇkarācārya had praised Lord Gaṇeśa by presenting these five stanzas as five jewels, hence the name Maha Gaṇeśa Pañcaratnam. Read More
1 Video / 1 Hour / INR 300

Hymns to Lord Gaṇeśa - Gaṇeśa-A Call of the Soul
In Gaṇapati-atharvaśīrṣa-upaniṣad, Lord Gaṇeśa is described as Paramajyoti, the infinite Light. Listen to how Lord Gaṇeśa is the call of the soul. Read More
1 Video / 1 Hour / INR 300

Hymns to Lord Śiva - Śrī Vaidyanātha - Ashtakam
Śrī Vaidyanātha Aṣṭakam is a beautiful Hymn Composed by Śrī Ādi Śaṇkara. Lord Śiva is considered as the king among physicians (Lord Vaidyanātha) and the stotra has eight ślokas. Read More
10 Videos / 9 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Śiva - Śrī Lingastakam
Penned by Ādi Śaṇkarācārya, himself considered to be an avatārā of Lord Śiva, Liṅgāṣṭakam is a prayer offered to Lord Śiva in the form of linga (meaning symbol in Sanskrit). The prayer is a declaration of faith, obedience, loyalty, and devotion towards Lord Śiva. Read More
12 Videos / 11 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Śiva - Śiva - Manasa - Pūjā
Singing the devotional hymn Śrī Śiva Mānasa Pūjā, and absorbing one's mind in its meaning, offers a powerful way to evoke the presence of Lord Śiva. Read More
9 Videos / 8 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Śiva - Śrī Siva Panchaksara - Stotram
The famous Śiva Panñcākṣara Stotram praises Śiva and the power of the five sacred syllables, na-ma-śi-vā-ya. Read More
8 Videos / 7 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Śiva - Mārgabandhu Stotram
Mārgabandhu Stotram is a divine hymn on Lord Śiva explaining the appearance and attributes of the great God. Composed by Appayya Deekshitar. Read More
9 Videos / 8 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Śiva - Uma-Mahesvara Stotram
Umā-Maheśvara Stotram is one of the popular stotram dedicated to Lord Śiva and Goddess Pārvatī. The lyrics and the meaning of this divine hymn have an indepth meaning explaining the bestowing nature and appearance of the divine couple. Read More
9 Videos / 8 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Śiva - Śiva-aparadha-ksamapana-stotram
Composed by Śrī Ādi ŚaṇkarācāryaThe theme of this storam is of total surrender to Lord Śiva and asking for His forgiveness. Read More
15 Videos / 13 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Rama - Saṅkṣepa Rāmāyaṇam
Saṅkṣepa Rāmāyaṇam is the first Sarga of Balakanda in Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇam. It is complete Rāmāyaṇam explained by Nārada to Vālmīki in one hundred ślokas. Read More
30 Videos / 30 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Rama - Hanumān Cālīsā
Hanumān Cālīsā is a timeless ode to devotion towards Lord Hanuman who is known for his devotion to Lord Rāma and is considered to be the embodiment of faith, surrender, and devotion. The 'Hanumān Cālīsā' is composed by Saint Goswami Tulsidas, the author of the Tulsi Rāmāyaṇam. Read More
8 Videos / 9 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Lord Kṛṣṇa - Govindāṣṭakam
Govindāṣṭakam is one of the works of Śrī Ādi Śaṇkarācārya. It describes the life and essence of Kṛṣṇāvatāram, wherein the Lord took the form of a cowherd. Read More
17 Videos / 18 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to Sun-God - Ādityahṛdaya Stotram
Ādityahṛdaya Stotram is a hymn dedicated to Sun God Lord Sūrya Nārāyāṇa is ascribed to Sage Agastya. Read More
16 Videos / 13 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to the Universal Goddess - O Devī! A Call of the Soul
A Call Of The Soul is a series of talks based on the Devī Bhāgavatam
4 Videos / 4 Hours / INR 1,500

Hymns to the Goddess Ganga - Gaṅgā Stotram
The Gaṅgā Stotram lyrics are beautifully composed in such a way explaining the divine nature of Goddess Gaṅgā and the qualities of the river Ganges.The overall hymn praises the Goddess nature on how she blesses her devotees, protects and purifies them, finally leading to the path of Mokṣa. Read More
8 Videos / 10 Hours / INR 1,500
Learning Saṃskṛtam with Ammaji
Introductory Saṃskṛtam Course - Alphabets
30 Videos/35 Hours/INR 10,000
- Devanagiri Alphabet Script Writing
- Devanagiri Alphabet Pronunciation
- Conjunct Consonants
- English Transliteration key Read More
A Sanskrit Manual- by S.J Antoine
Intermediate Saṃskṛtam Book1 Part1
28 Videos/30 Hours/INR 10,000
- Verbs - Present tense Conjugations of Roots belonging to 1, 4, 6, 10 class
- Phonetic Combination - Vowel Sandhi & Visarga Sandhi
- Nouns - Masculine & Neuter (a, i, u)
- Syntax - All cases Read More
Intermediate Saṃskṛtam Book1 Part2
25 Videos/27 Hours/INR 10,000
- Verbs - Present Tense, Imperfect Past Tense, Imperative Mood, Potential Mood
- Nouns - Feminine (aa, i, ii, u) & Masculine - Feminine (r) & Feminine (uu)
- Nouns - Neuter Nouns (i, u, r) and Agreement of the Adjective
- Pronouns - Personal & Demonstrative
- Passive Voice Read More
Intermediate Saṃskṛtam Book1 Part3
28 Videos/30 Hours/INR 10,000
- Nouns ending in Consonants
- Nouns with one stem & two stems
- Impersonal Passive Voice
- Present & Past Participles and their Usage
- Nouns & Adjectives with two stems and three stems
- Degrees of Comparison Read More
Intermediate Saṃskṛtam Book1 Part4
20 Videos/22 Hours/INR 10,000
- Formation of Feminine Nouns
- Indeclinable Past passive participle
- Locative and Genitive Absolute
- Infinitive & Subordinate Clause
- Adverbial Clause Read More
Intermediate Saṃskṛtam Book2 Part1
45 Videos /47 Hours/INR 10,000
- Irregular nouns
- Irregular Masculine nouns
- Irregular Feminine nouns
- Irregular neuter nouns Read More
Intermediate Saṃskṛtam Book2 Part2
44 Videos /46 Hours/INR 10,000
- Irregular Nouns
- Irregular nouns – Miscellaneous
- Accusative case
- Primary and secondary suffixes
- Instrumental case
- Perfect Tense
- Periphrastic Perfect
- Dative case
- Future Tense Read More
Intermediate Saṃskṛtam Book2 Part3
-- Videos /-- Hours/ INR 10,000
- Future Tense continuation
- Ablative case
- Genitive case
- Locative case
- Compounds
- Karmadharaya, Dvigu and Pradi compound
- Denominatives
- Bahuvrihi compound
- Primary suffixes
- Secondary suffixes
- Aveyayibhava compound
- Verbal roots and their principal parts Read More
Intermediate Saṃskṛtam Book 2 Part4
-- Videos /-- Hours/ INR 10,000
- Future Tense continuation
- Ablative case
- Genitive case
- Locative case
- Compounds
- Karmadharaya, Dvigu and Pradi compound
- Denominatives
- Bahuvrihi compound
- Primary suffixes
- Secondary suffixes
- Aveyayibhava compound
- Verbal roots and their principal parts Read More
Learning Saṃskṛtam with

Heritage Awareness Programs
Awareness programs such as Suparivāra, Sudampati, Sugṛhiṇī, Sukanyā, Sukumāra and Sukarma are aimed at specific audiences such as Families, young couples, Homemakers, Young professionals and corporates. These programs are based on the tenets of Vedānta and Yoga and their schedule varies from a day long workshop to a weekend retreat.
to download detailed information on the below listed heritage awareness programs.
Subala Camps for Youth and Children
For young children: 14-17 years
Designed to teach the core of Indian heritage and the values they can imbibe by outbound learning methods.
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For young women: 18-25 years
Designed to guide young women for achieving inner and external success and live a joyful life.
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For young women about to enter into marriage and married women of age 18-45 years
Designed to empower married women to reckon with their multifaceted life as successful homemakers while pursuing their career.
Yes. I am interested to
For young couples: Age 25 to 50 years
Designed for young couples to move beyond old patterns of domination/submission and meet in their true oneness.
Yes. I am interested to
For young men: Age 18 years to 30 years.
Designed for young men for achieving inner and external success and live a joyful life.
Yes. I am interested to
For Families
A gen-link program that nurtures the bonding of generations within the family by awakening the individuals to universal values and cultural ethics.
Yes. I am interested to
For corporates: Age group: 22 to 60 years
Designed to guide the corporate world through Vedic culture and heritage addressing topics like self-growth and Spiritual awakening.
Yes. I am interested to
Teacher Training : Culture-Based Value Education
Learn from Ammaji: A Comprehensive study on Culture-Based Value Education
Vedic Heritage Teaching Program for Children
The Vedic Heritage Teaching Program is a guide for educational institutions, communities and families that wish to teach Vedic Heritage to their children in an authentic, systematic manner. The subject matter has been organized into twelve parts, tailored to the ages of the children.
Growing up in the modern society implies exposure to global culture and having access to the world of Information Technology. Indian children living in the West as well as living in India need to study their heritage in an instructive and deliberate way, if they are to imbibe it in their own lives. It offers an insight into the vision of the Vedas, the vast literature and religious culture of India. This program is offered as a 23 books series, a first of its kind in imparting cultural and knowledge traditions of India.
Parts One to Five of the books address children of ages six to ten years and offers teaching materials for a five - year program that cover Pañcatantra, Puranic Tales, Rāmāyaṇa, Bhāgavata Purāṇa and Mahābhārata.
Parts Six to Nine address children of ages eleven to fourteen years and offers teaching materials for a four-year program that cover topics including Values, Iśvara and Religious Disciplines, Religious culture and Vedic Knowledge. It also has plays which may be enacted by the students.
Parts Ten to Twelve address teenagers between the age of fifteen and seventeen years and offers teaching materials for a three-year program that cover topics like human development and spiritual growth, contemporary teen issues, Vedic Knowledge including Vedāṅgas, Upāṅgas and Upavēdas and an Introduction to the Bhagavad Gītā concluding the 12 year study program.
Based on the demand, these programs are delivered online and in-person community sessions by Purna Vidya Sevaks and Teachers.
to register your interest in enrolling the child for the topic of your choice in the program.
to register and access these books online.
to know more in detail.

Purna Vidya - A Vedic Heritage Teacher Training Course
Vedic heritage teacher training program (VHTTP) is a program that is designed for parents and teachers to impart the treasure of Purna Vidya books to their students/children. It is a very uniquely designed TEACHER Training Program that is used by Schools across the world, Teacher, and Parents who later take up community teaching in a very big way. This Teacher Training program is highly recommendable for to be Purna Vidya Teachers.
Mode - As residential program or online via zoom based on the demand
Part1. Orientation overview: Introduction on vedic heritage and its importance
Part2. Detailed lessonwise training (Part 1 - 12 books)
Pre-requisite: Completion of part 1Part3. Understanding vedic wisdom and way of life
Pre-requisite: Completion of part 1 and part 2

Why do the Teacher Training?
- Enhance your own learning of values that underpin our itihāsa and purāṇas
- Use the learning as a parent, educator or in the community
- Progress your journey as a teacher with Purna Vidya with our online heritage course or start your own community classes
Donation: A nominal donation is requested for these classes to continue the noble work carried out by Purna Vidya that primarily focuses on imparting Vedantic knowledge and heritage education.
to register your interest to enroll for Vedic Heritage Teacher Training Program.

A Glimpse into Yoga Philosophy
2 Videos / 3 Hours / INR 11

Selection of Yoga Sūtras
12 Videos / 15 Hours / INR 6500

Oṃkāra - A course based on Yoga Sūtras
8 Videos / 10 Hours / INR 4500

Aṣṭāṇga Yoga Sūtras
12 Videos / 14 Hours / INR 6500

"On Meditation" Bhagavad Gītā(Chp.6) with Yoga Sūtras
12 Videos / 13 Hours / INR 6500

Learning Saṃskṛtam Alphabets(Level 1)
Saṃskṛtam alphabets covered in Level 1
30 Videos / 35 Hours / INR 15000

Yoga Sūtras Phonetics and Recitation(Level 2)
Course covers Reading Yoga Sūtras in Devanagiri & Transliteration , Word-to-word meaning and translation of Yoga Sūtras, Sandhi rules for Vowels, Visarga and consonants, Study of phonetics and Recitation of Yoga Sūtras Read More
45 Videos / 46 Hours / INR 20000
Residential Programs

Education teaches the art of thinking. It is
the process that moulds the thought system for every
human being to live the life one came here for.
- Ammaji
to submit your enquiry on residential programs.
Vedantic Courses and Retreats
Periodic retreats for seekers who aspire for an in-depth study of select scriptures, learning of Upanisads, meditation, vedic chants, Saṃskṛtam and Yoga are held as residential programs. These programs train the seekers in a life of simplicity and holistic living.
Retreat for Adults (One week)
This program offers an Introduction to Vedānta, Upaniṣad, and one chapter of Bhagavad Gītā, Meditation and Yoga. Vedic chanting, Pūjā, Group Reflections and Satsang are also included.
Retreat for Families (One week)
This program has parallel sessions for adults and children. The adult sessions include Vedānta classes, Meditation and Yoga, while the children sessions include Vedic Heritage and Yoga. The family sessions include learning how to perform a pūjā and chant prayers. Family Games and Satsang are also included.

Holiday Retreat for Youth (One week)
A fun time for children aged 10 – 19 years, this retreat creates an awareness on Bharatiya culture and inculcates culture based values in the participants. It offers heritage classes and sessions on performing pūjās and prayers. Story telling, culture games and group discussions / interactive games bring out the fun side of the children.

Yoga Retreats
Yoga Retreats impart practical wisdom to manage your body, mind, emotions, and the fundamental life energy within. These retreats ensure you optimize your health and well- being. The interactive sessions clubbed with guided meditation, treks and hikes give you time to reflect on yourself and deepen your yoga and meditation practice.
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Outreach Programs

Outreach Programs of Purna Vidya impart an insight into right living through value based cultural education to schools, colleges, institutions, communities and families.
to download more details on how you can start Purna Vidya Community Centers.
- The Vedic Heritage Teaching Program, a 23 books series, is first of its kind in imparting cultural and knowledge traditions of India.
- It has a play way method of instruction and in a lucid style, it comprehensively covers the vast literature.
- These books are implemented in Educational Institutions and Communities across the globe for authentic, systematic learning of the spiritual culture of India.
- The program is taught by sevaks and teachers who have a passion to learn and share the native traditions of India to the young generation.

to enroll your child for the Vedic Heritage Teaching program and the choice of the course. These programs are delivered online and as outreach programs based on the requirement. We will get back to you shortly on your enrollment.

Purna Vidya in Schools
The program is designed to blend with the school curriculum over a period of 12 years from Standards 1 to 12.
Schools introduce the program implementing it in moral education or heritage classes. The classes are conducted once a week. Students are provided with text books. Teachers are provided with a teaching guideline book and other training tools.
Over 130 schools in India have adopted Purna Vidya Study Program into their moral education or heritage classes through which nearly 50000+ students are benefitted.
Reach out to in enrolling your school for Purna Vidya study programs.
Purna Vidya in Villages
Every year, during the summer holidays, ten days camps are conducted in various states of India. The activities for children include learning ślokas, pūjā and epics such as Rāmāyaṇa, Yoga, Meditation as well as indoor and outdoor cultural games.
The count of teachers and support volunteers and children who benefit from these study programs through non-formal education keeps increasing year on year.

Purna Vidya in Communities
- Recreates the experience of living with the spiritual ideals of the Vedic Society.
- Answers queries with regards to the spiritual cultural heritage bringing confidence and pride in the community. Conducts Vedic Heritage teaching programs covering Pūjā, Prayers, Chanting, Epics, Purāṇas, Values and more for children.
- Helps families form support networks within communities.
- Gives the community an identity as a peace-loving community.
Purna Vidya in Families
A family that learns together, bonds together. In private homes, parents and grandparents study and teach Purna Vidya to their children and grandchildren on a weekly basis. Purna Vidya guides families to know their roots and secure our traditions and belief systems. Globally, thousands of families study the program in private homes.

Leadership & Management Camps
These camps provide practices to facilitate heads of educational institutions and corporate leaders and managers to enhance individual effectiveness, manage high-performance teams and lead them to develop future leaders.
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