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Join us live for book launch function on Mar 28, 2024

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Announcement of book launch function- Living the wisdom of Mother Ganga / 23 March 2024

Purna Vidya
Ammaji, promoting Purna Vidya's message of service A green colored frame graphic

Ammaji describes in her book ‘Living the wisdom of Mother Ganga” on how Maa Ganga is a boon companion to every seeker. She narrates from the perspective of her past self on how she was excited to return to the banks of Ganga and how Mother Ganga takes the form of a captivating and luminous form, leaving every seeker in awe at her presence.

Ganga’s beauty is unparalleled; she is a gentle stream meandering through the two thousand kilometers long journey, glistening under the sunlight. At first, her flow is slow, almost hesitant, as if testing the path ahead. Yet as you observe her, you notice that her gentle form cascading over the smooth rocks as she creates delicate ripples and soothing sounds. They are not sounds but rhythm of wisdom.

Merely observing the divine mother shatters the chain of heavy thoughts in one self, giving birth to a mind filled with nothing but unconditional love and peace. It was this love that connected Ammaji and Mother Ganga, breaking the barriers. Throughout Ammaji’s journey, Maa Ganga taught her about the miracle that was life. 

Being in the presence of Maa Ganga, one’s fears and trepidations vanquish and the soul starts realizing its purity, the Atma Bhava.  

Living the Wisdom of Mother Ganga is not only a book, but also a source of solace, enlightenment, and renewal for generations to come. Dive into its pages and discover the profound wisdom and spiritual nourishment waiting to be uncovered. 

Join us for the book launch function on Mar 28th at Tapasyalayam, Uttarkasi.
