Event Calendar
Upcoming Program Registration
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Residential 11-month Hybrid Vedanta course
From Aug 10th, 2025
Status: Registration Open
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Join Weekend Classes
Register for our weekend classes and make your weekends “A Happy Learning weekend!!”. Donations are welcome to sustain the efforts to propagate the knowledge of ṛiṣi paramparā.
to Contribute.
Saturday 12 noon IST
Introductory Bhāṣyam Studies of "Bhagavad Gītā" and "Ten Upaniṣad"
Who can join : Students of Swamiji and Ammaji who are stydying Vedānta, Saṃskṛtam, Vedic Heritage and Yoga.
Pre-requisite knowledge of Sanskrit is recommended.
The past sessions delivered by Ammaji covered Bhāṣyam studies of Bhagavad Gītā, Īśāvāsyopaniṣad, Kenopaniṣad, Kaṭhopaniṣad, Praśnopaniṣad, Aitreya Upanisad and Muṇḍakopaniṣad. Starting Oct 28, 2023, Chandogya Upanishad is being covered. Join the free sessions and be part of the unfoldment. Registration is requested to share the Online zoom session details.
The Power of Prayers - Sunday 12 noon IST
The initiative which was started during COVID-19 pandemic times, spiraled from daily free prayerful Satsang into weekly activity that has become a week end Vedānta session and Satsang with Ammaji herself.
Who can join : Who is interested in Vedic Tradition and knowledge
Being a keen and committed learner
- 2020 saw 129 sessions covering Śrī Vaidyanātha-Aṣṭakam, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, Śiva-Mānasa-Pūjā, Liṇgāṣṭakam, Śrī Śiva-Pañcākṣara-Stotram, Mārgabandhu Stotram, Umā-Maheśvara Stotram, Śiva-aparāda-kṣamāpaṇa Stotram, Śrī Dakṣiṇāmūrti Stotram, Ādityahṛdaya and Haṃsa Gītā.
- 2021 saw 105 sessions covering Govindāṣṭakam, Hanumān Cālīsā, Saṅkṣepa Rāmāyaṇam, Tattva Bodhah, Upadeśa-sāram and Prātaḥ-Smaraṇam.
- 2022 Week end sessions covered Bhaia Govindam, Ganga Stotram, Nirvana Shatkam, Maya Pancakam and Eka Sloki.
- 2023: Series of sessions on Vedic vision and way of life. Currently Keno Upanisad being covered that spans over 45 sessions, starting May 14, 2023. Register with us to get the details of free zoom session. Happy Learning!!
To register for weekend sessions
Grab the opportunity to make your weekends a learning weekend!!