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Announcement on Hatha yoga and Vedanta Retreat

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Hatha Yoga and Vedanta Retreat (Nov 2 - 9, 2024) / 2 May 2024

Purna Vidya
Ammaji, promoting Purna Vidya's message of service A green colored frame graphic

This is a eight-day retreat which brings you traditional Hatha Yoga, Pranayama and Kriyas (Cleansing techniques). The retreat includes sessions on Vedanta (Gita in daily life) and meditation, chanting of mantras.

Target audience: Yoga Practitioners - Beginners and Intermediate

Key Takeaways:* Sun Salutation * Asanas that help you for sitting postures, forward bend asanas and backward bend, side bend and side twist asanas and standing asanas * Pranayama * Cleansing techniques *Gita in daily life- Transformational workshops * Chanting / recitation of Mantras

Teachers: Ammaji and Bhooma Chaitanyaji

Please visit for registraton.