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Register for Suparivara, the happy family program

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Announcement of Suparivara, the happy family program / 11 March 2024

Purna Vidya
Ammaji, promoting Purna Vidya's message of service A green colored frame graphic

Purna Vidya is inviting registrations for the generation link program , Suparivara- the happy family. Suparivara, is a A generation link program that nurtures the bonding of generations within the family, by awakening the individuals to universal values & cultural ethics. 

Option 1: Day long workshop at Community center in Coimbatore City or 
Option 2: Overnight retreat at Purna Vidya Foundation, Coimbatore

Why attend:
No matter where life takes us, our history and heritage act like a compass that points us back to our roots. It gives a strong sense of connection and a sense of belonging. The understanding to what are the duties and how duties of one is interlinked as rights for other person, makes a family a happy family. The facilitated workshop brings you insights from our scriptures and tradition and helps you reflect on how you define success of your family. 

Visit the link to register your interest. We will get back to you. Hari OM.